Write the meaning of each word and then use it in a sentence to show your understanding of each word.
Brain; Soft mass of nervous tissue in the head. Intellectual ability. Hit (someone) hard on the head.
‘My brain is protected by my skull’
Write; Mark paper with symbols or words. Set down in words. Communicate by letter. Be the author or composer of.
‘For homework I have to write a sentence for each word given’
Hoped; Want (something) to happen or be true. (n) expectation of something desired. Thing that gives cause to desire.
‘I hoped that I would have a good week at school’
Worry; (caused to) be anxious or uneasy. Annoy or bother. (of dog) chase and try to bite.
‘I worry sometimes that I wont finish my homework on time’
Through; From one side to the other , between, by, past. Because of, by means of, by way of using via. During, in, throughout. Adj Completed, done, ended, finished.
‘I went through the forest’
Entered; Come or go. V join. Become involved in, take part in. Record (an item) in a journal. Begin.
‘I entered the classroom through the door’
Daughter; Female child. Woman who comes from a certain place or is connected with a certain thing.
‘I am the only daughter of my mum and dad’
Edge; Border, boundary, brink, fringe, limit, outline, perimeter, rim, side, verge. Nervous.
‘I jumped off an edge of the Whangarei Waterfalls’
Domestic; Native, indigenous, internal. Home, family, household, private.
‘If you travel via airplane in New Zealand you have to go to the Domestic Airport’
Topic; noun Subject, issue, matter, theme, point, question.
‘My favourite topic at school is Mathematics’
Method; noun manner, approach, mode, process, routine, system, way.
‘Miss Siale’s method of teaching is different to Ms Ly’s method of teaching’
Recent; late, new, current, fresh, modern, up-to-date.
‘These past recent couple of days have been really good weather’
Type; noun kind, category, class, genre, group, order, sort, species.
‘All animals that lay eggs are a type of reptile’
Readily; adj for immediate use for any customer or user.
‘I readily understood my teacher’s task’
Guess; verb estimate, conjecture, hypothesize, believe. Noun theory, speculation.
‘I guess i’m going to leave now since no one likes me’
Various; adj of several kinds.
‘My grand-dad has various types of orange trees.
Genuine; adj not fake, authentic. Sincere.
‘I have a lot of genuine friends.
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